Saturday 29 October 2011


From the works of Brad Steiger, Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, And Haunted Places

     By now you are probably wondering if I'll ever expand my sources, and venture outside of Brad Steiger's world.  I promise you that I will, but there is still so many stories I want to relay to you from this great book.  So bear with me while I continue to ride the 'Brad Steiger' train for at least a little while longer.

     Deathbed Visions As Told To Reverend W. Bennett Palmer
          Cloud-like Vapors And Luminous Clouds

     Bill W. told Palmer that he saw the spirit of his brother as it disengaged from the dying body.  The cloud-like vapor took on human shape, clapped its hands in joy, and passed upward through the ceiling in the company of an angel.

     Jerry C. of Denver Colorado, stated that when his ten year old son died, he saw the child's spirit leave the body as a luminous cloud and rise upward toward the ceiling.

          They Joined The Angels Two Days Apart

     Mr. and Mrs. S., two members of Palmer's congregation in New Port Richey, Florida, were very ill and had been placed in separate rooms of their home to insure periods of peace and uninterrupted sleep for both of them.  One afternoon, as Mr. S. rested in his bed, he saw the form of his wife pass the wall of his room, wave her hand in farewell, and rise upward in the company of an angel.

     A few minutes later a nurse came into his room and informed him that Mrs. S. had passed away.  "I know," he said, holding back his tears.  "She had enough of this desperate struggle to maintain life.  She came to say goodbye and to ask me to join her with the angels."  Mr. S. died two days later.

          An Oval Light Met By A Lovely Angel

     When Mrs. Ernestine Tamayo entered her husband's sickroom in order to bring him the newspaper, she saw a large, oval light emerging from his head.  The illuminated oval floated toward the window, hovered a moment, and was met by a lovely angelic figure.  Within seconds, both the oval of light and the angel had vanished.

     "I knew that Miles was dead even before I reached my husband's bedside," she told Palmer.  "I had seen his angel guide come to take him home."

          An Angel Came To Get Mommy

     Richard Riggs's wife and nine-year-old daughter were killed in an automobile accident that left his six-year-old daughter Robin severely injured.  Riggs entered little Robin's hospital room and steeled himself for the awful task of informing her about the death of her mother and sister.

     But before he could break the sad news to Robin, she told him that she already knew about the deaths.  "While I was lying hurt on the ground," she stated, "I saw an angel come to get Mommy.  The angel started to go back up into the sky, but it stopped, came back for Becky, and took both of them into Heaven."

          An Angel Tapped At The Window 

     Pastor Raymon Tigge had known for several months that his child, Samuel, would not recover from his lengthy illness.  One warm July night, the entire family decided to sleep in the coolest room of their home.  Tigge said that he and his wife were both awakened by a soft tapping at the window near their bed.  They then saw an angel come through the window, walk over to the sleeping boy, kiss him, and leave.

     A few days later, in an effort to divert the boy's mind from his illness, a friend asked Samuel what he wanted for Christmas.  The boy shook his head soberly and replied that he would be in Heaven.  He wouldn't need any toys there.  Within a week, Samuel Tigge died.

          His Friend's Soul Left During The Funeral

     Dr. D. P. Kayser said that while attending the funeral of Dr. A. N Costello, a colleague whom he had known for more that 30 years, he watched his friend's soul leaving the body.  "There was no question in my mind that Angelo was truly, clinically dead before the funeral," Kayser stated, "but I had once heard it said that 'real death' is not accomplished until the soul actually leaves the body."

     Kayser knew that his friend's life had been one of kindness and service.  "Angelo had always been a sincere, practicing Catholic, but even so, I was quite startled when I saw the spirits of a group of white-robed children materialize.  Assembled near the coffin were more white-robed spirits, some of whom I recognized as deceased friends, relatives, and patients of Dr. Costello's."

     As the funeral service progressed, Kayser was somehow able to observe the process of death:  "I saw a vapor or mist gradually rise from the body in the casket.  When the transition had been completed, the mist gradually took on the image of Dr. Costello.  Almost at that very moment, a very beautiful angel robed in the purest white, approached the newly liberated spirit.  In its hands, the angel bore a lovely wreath, the center of which supported a large white flower.  With this floral diadem, the angel crowned the spirit body of Dr. Angelo Costello.

     "When the spirit form was completely separated from the physical body, the image of my friend, the angels, and the attending spirits appeared to float away together."

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